The Golden Phoenix
The mountain sides of the world
Rushed down from all directions,
The landslide seemed unstoppable,
Then rains, rains and rains came,
All hopes for young girl vanished.
Waters raised to the roof of the sky,
Her arms, legs swirled for survival,
Breath from her lungs shot forth as
The forceful water passed her lips,
All hopes for a young girl vanished.
Dazed unconsciousness lit her eyes,
Mind thoughts lessened, lessened,
Past or they dreams came to her,
Death’s knocks to enter she heard,
All hopes for a young girl vanished.
The Eyes of God opened! With love,
Caring, faith those surrounding her,
Waters to burning ashes, redemption,
Ashes burned away all doubts, fears
From the being child’s troubled soul,
Out God’s Heart burst Winded Beauty,
The Woman Warrior, strength, wisdom,
Fearless Lady, now A Golden Phoenix,
A treasure of God to roam the heavens
Of Earth and beyond into the Spirits.
– Steven Louis Ernest
Saturday, October 9, 2021
The Golden Phoenix..
Friday, October 8, 2021
Horseshoes: So Close...
Horseshoes: So Close
His eyes followed the iron colored shape through the air,
Big clang hitting a red stake surrounded by white sand,
Ruler, ruler, please, God only knows how many misses.
Ringer, be damned, I can’t buy one today, he swirled to
A frustration coming, from night to day with a sight of a
Woman and child playing in the field nearby such a joy.
So close he thought as his arm swung back then forward
With the force of tossing two pounds forty feet and little
More for a ringer he sought, another big clang, so close.
“So close,” heard behind his ear, a smile shot to his face.
“Yes, so close,” he returned to the woman with child, oh,
“How, so close,” sounded they both together as hugging.
“So close,” sounded in his ear, a voice he knew from one
He talked to for years, then His smile and joy he felt as
Did she, “Him, again,” she thought with glee, jest, love.
Falling to the ground, the basket flung open with hunger,
The smells hunger more, fried chicken then oily lips met,
Lips never tasted so good, “So close,” said laying backs.
Looking to the skies, clouds and birds above, “So close!”
“Do you remember,” one said, no words spoken, silence,
Hands touching by sides, “Honey, how was your game?”
The thought he heard, “Hit a bunch of clangers that just
Missed, so close,” essence of a smile crossed her mind,
“Yes, I know, reminder how close you came to losing me.”
The slang he said with his soul, “Yes, I can be,” laughter
They both, for both knew the truth, facade played well,
“Do you remember,” both heard with nodding of heads.
“Me, too,” He said, “all My planning, all the years, all the
Trials and days of judgment we went through, his spirit
Never gave up, his freewill, love, never gave up on you."
The day people forgotten, though eyes did stare at us,
We stared not back, too busy being with each other in
The spirit of the Lord, His faith in us never He gave up.
She forgot the people, for now her own mind be true,
True to her heart, true to expand beyond closed minds,
“You old fart,” she chuckled, turning along side of him.
Turning facing her came a kiss, “Wine, better with age.”
“Well, you did make me age before my time,” said she,
“And I love you for it for with it came happiness to us.”
Through the air came the meaning of it all, dropping on
Hips and a beaming smile, “The raptor has you all,” she
Said, “Mommy, I’m hungry,” off two went to food court.
His meaning of life he watched walking the field, hips
And all he loved each inch, “Thank you,” blowing a kiss,
“You saved me, gave me faith in you and him, thanks!”
She looked back and wiggling of hips said, “Welcome.”
Horseshoes one top of one, double ringers scoring a six,
So close is better when it ain’t so close but much more.
– Steven Louis Ernest
Thursday, October 7, 2021
Oaks: The Storm...
Oaks: The Storm
The grand ole oak guarded the road to the land,
Oh, what beauty of land but it cried for a family,
No one heard, for no one listens to land and God.
The live oak remembered memories of a hundred
Years and more, no homes, no families except of
The roaming cows and goats, calm pasture land.
It saw the rising of white oaks here and there
Near the land of the lane, from acorns to towering
Giants of the strongest wood, land their strength.
Land their weakness with each inch of growth to
To the sky, roots wide in ground soft dirt, worms,
Yet the giants pounded their chests to the storm.
Wise old live oak wept at their pride for he knew
The power of the winds, of God’s might, prayed
Did he for the home and those within, his friends.
The man who saw his veins of spirit of the Lord,
The little girl who listened to the man, especially
For grandma and grandpa, two concrete guards.
Other people of the world in the home, having
None of bad wishes, none of his thoughts at all
Except humanity and kindness all of living life.
The clouds grew darker and the winds barked
Louder and louder with their hot breath, with
The ferocity of the challenge of who stronger.
The pride of knocking over all in their path, of
The evil fun of destroying and crashing things,
The winds really had no care just having fun.
The eye of the storm saw the oaks from a short
Distance and wished them well, the arrogant of
The winds so vile, then he saw man and child.
Both shaking with fear, both wishing they were
Together, but life separated them, the future too
Will, eyes of storms can see, magic crystal balls.
Tears the storm eye cried for the two God’s one.
He saw the future, he wept more, so close came
The meaning of life to the man, she will be gone.
Back to the oaks and wildness of the winds, the
Chests of the oaks bellowed not anymore, down
A few told the others cower and beg for mercy.
As were the man and child, but to God no winds,
Prayers pretty good for no one hurt, damage as
One would expect but not, little this, little that.
The worst to come weeks after the storm with
Tears for the oaks still flowing, another story for
Another day, here old oak cried for his friends.
The man alone again with the lost of a friend,
Child had the blood of ancestors now less with
The lost, world turns ‘round day after day but.
But, new paths to come, the bearded oak limbs
Broken and torn needing renewal and hope of
A real family, the man cannot be, child in need.
Her growth and the growth of the man cannot
Be one together, eye of the storm saw parting,
Crystal balls sometimes lie, the future will tell.
Memories of once before, against a door’s wire
Screen, she cried and cried for him, after work,
Home he, today, return won’t never be, a gift.
A gift to the child for her need of family, a gift
To the Spanish moss, the clothes of the oak,
A gift to others, they may be the land’s family.
– Steven Louis Ernest
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Comes The Day: The Child Grows...
God's Walk...
Sunday, October 3, 2021
The Speech...
Saturday, October 2, 2021
Elbows on the Table...
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
"Worn Out": An Ode to van Gogh
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
A Rose Never Dies...
A Rose Never Dies
The flowers of life many can be,
How with words can one say the
Essence of the life of a rose.
White fields of petals her hair,
Face of the rose a smile glowed,
Memories of its beauty so clear.
The glow so heavenly and beaming
Warmth and joy to all with caring
So true from the heart and soul.
Oh, the thorns were there as for
All roses finger pricks one risked
When touching and loving the rose.
The petals and stem do wilt in time,
But the love and beauty always there
In the fond memories of times gone by.
A rose never dies when embodied by
One's soul and heart ascending to Him
And those of lost loves heaven before.
Janet is a rose that will never die,
For seeds she emplanted to life's earth
To go on with memories of her to endear.
-- Steven Louis Ernest