Tuesday, October 5, 2021

God's Walk...

                       God’s Walk

Awakening to the light of millions of stars,
God decided upon a walk in the beautiful
Shade oak trees in New Orleans’ City Park.

Old Spanish moss draping the ancient limbs
Reaching so far some heavy touching cold
Ground this late Autumn day of color leaves.

The runners in the distance old and young,
God tempted to reach for His glasses today
But not, in corner of His eyes He saw what?

Bifocals He pulled His back blue jean pocket,
This sight cannot be for I know this one soul,
He one of many sons I heard from yesterday.

He hesitated but sec, “Why today, a day off?”
Searching his essence of all, “Oh, no, my son!
Helpless am I in your pains, love’s tall wall.”

Playful and happy squirrels smile at God only
To sulk away heads down low, “Poor God, oh,”
White robe and wings grayed in His sorrow.

A mind expanding the universal lost in the
Wilderness hungry and cold, God looked back
To him and pulled away quickly, “My walk?”

Even God gave up as the darkened clouds felt
His mood, bifocals hanging low near falling a
Fall of glass breaking, but there a dull shadow. 

Near the black waters of the sunless lagoon,
She stooped arm stretched out dropping It,
Roses of white, pink, and red into the waves.

“Take my ‘love’ away for they say, ‘can’t be,’”
God felt the roses’ love drip below the waves,
Beaming a smile He rose his hands to light.

Never has such heavenly light shine upon the
Earth before for it had the love and spirit of
God from all times, His faith restored by her.

She of such strength to forsake love for him,
Her love longed for him, her need so strong,
But for him, ‘no’ had to be her answer, him.

Such sacrifice swollen God’s heart with joy
For His creation, one so special to Him stood
Tall and proud and with faith, put him first.

From His hands, God’s Will became the winds,
All within their reaches bowed to His wishes,
The winds of spirit made all so bright and well.

The roses of ‘love’ rose from the water back to
Her heart, for though God cannot change one’s
Love, without love, His gift to her ‘love’ again.

Love again with the strength of the Lord and
Faith that he would survive all with her by his
Side, she knew he needed her to live his life.

He needed her for him to be happy, for them
To find happiness in each other’s arms, where
Is he, she looked about, God pointed the way.

The wall of love that stopped God crumbled
To her love of him, he saw her living smile
Once more, with her touch shook the glass.

Into a Wonderland they went forever more,
Hand-in-hand, happiness with each together,
Faith God lived in their hearts surely He did.

-- Steven Louis Ernest

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